Process Taking Action
When I started making my article, my first task was to conduct the tests. The first week, I rented out a drumming studio for everyday for an hour, and used the time to record my data. In the process, I also learned how to set up a drum kit all by myself, so it was an added bonus. I had never done any proper drumming lessons before, so I saw it better to start from scratch. My main method of practicing would be to repeat different drum fills over and over again until I was able to perform them properly. A drum fill is a sort of transition beat that drummers use when moving from one part of the song to the other. They can by as long or as short as required in the transition, and can be played extremely fast and extremely slow. I started off playing some basic drum fills at a lower speed, and gradually increasing the speed. When I felt I was comfortable, I moved to harder drum fills, and to higher speeds. This way, I was able to push myself constantly, and get the best results possible. After my week of drumming, I performed 1 week of workout testing. I developed a simple 1 hour workout routine which I performed everyday. This routine was made to train as many muscles as possible. More information about this is in my article.
Initially I had decided to do 2 hours of drumming and 2 hours of working out. But, due to the coronavirus, I had to shorten that down to only 1 hour. This did not have that big of an impact on my project, as within 1 hour I was able to gather ample information.
After the testing, I made my article. Making the article was hard as I had to fit lots of information into only 2 pages, and still make it aesthetically pleasing and flow properly. But, in the end, I was able to create my article, without having to sacrifice any information or research data.